Today is Shabbat so all the Jewish stores were closed and the city was very quiet. It’s nice to see that people here still take a day off from everything to honor God. I kind of took a day off today too. I did a little homework, but spent most of the day just relaxing and, of course, updating my blog with all the wonderful things you’ve no doubt read below. I had some good prayer time in the Holy Sepulcher this morning and measured my column for our architecture class. I also did some icon shopping since the Christian stores were open. After the sun sets on Shabbat the stores all open up, so I went out to dinner with some friends. As the talking snowman says in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, “And then…IT HIT!” Not a snowstorm in this case, but huge rainstorm. I guess there were some pretty strong storms recently in Europe and this must be what moved through here tonight. It was literally raining sideways and every which way. The wind was really blowing and we had thunder and lightning and really quite a show. Fortunately, I had my rain jacket and pants because an umbrella was absolutely useless. I was very happy to get home to my nice warm bed tonight. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.
Holy Land Pilgrimage Day 51
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