Home Homilies Homily 103 – Trinity Sunday

Homily 103 – Trinity Sunday

by Shawn P. Tunink

A Communion of Love

The Trinity is a complicated thing. Today’s homily tells how even the great St. Augustine was reminded that he would never be able to fully understand this mystery. How can God be 3 persons in 1 God? The things we can say about each person of the Trinity we learn from sacred scripture. Perhaps the most obvious thing about the Trinity…and the easiest to understand…is often the most overlooked. God is not an isolated individual, but is rather a communion of persons. You could say that our God is a family of persons.

To say that “God is love” is often hard to grasp. To love, you need someone to love. You can’t love in isolation. It is not surprising then that God would not be alone, but would be a communion. The Trinity is a communion of love. Perhaps the easiest way to understand the meaning of this is to look at our families. They are supposed to be communions of love. Let us look to the Trinity today as our example. Let us be willing to lay down our life in love for others. We just might find the Trinity a little more understandable.

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