Home Homilies Homily 167 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Homily 167 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Shawn P. Tunink

What’s in Your Field?

Jesus speaks today of a treasure hidden in a field. Hopefully we get the point that our faith is a treasure and our relationship with God worth “selling” everything. Truly there is wisdom in our Church beyond what Solomon could have imagined. Yet, do we realize this? Can we really say that our faith is what we value most of all?

We tend to focus on the man in the story who finds the treasure, but did you every stop to think about the man who sold him the field? He obviously didn’t know he had a treasure. Maybe he never bothered to really look around his field or else he could have found the treasure. As a result he probably sold his field cheap, no knowing what he had.

This parable is a warning to all of us. We have a treasure in the Church. However, if we fail to learn our faith, to dig around in our field, we will one day find the little faith that we had…gone. We will run the risk of leaving the Church and selling our field cheaply, believing that we actually got a pretty good deal on what we thought was just an empty field.

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1 comment

John 6:54 July 31, 2011 - 8:14 pm

Fr. Shawn, very good homily. I’m excited to see the impact on your new parish community over the next few years. Time to update your About Fr. Shawn page.


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