Our readings today remind us of God’s reign from before time began, throughout all time, and unto eternity. God always was and always will be. Today we honor Jesus with the earthly title of king. Yet we are reminded by the gospel that Jesus himself tells us that his true kingdom is not here in this world. We pray in the Our Father prayer for the coming of God’s kingdom and that his will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. We honor our king Jesus by trying to make this world as much as possible conform to the way that Jesus truly is king in heaven. As we do so, we know that this world will never be perfect. Rather than a cause to despair, these imperfections keep us longing for the day when the king will return in glory and everything will be made right. May we all eagerly await the coming of that day, the return of the king.
Homily 301 – The One Who Was, Is, and Is to Come – Christ the King
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