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Institution of Readers

by Shawn P. Tunink

Institution of Readers

Today was a very important day in my life and the life of the seminary. During a solemn celebration of the Mass this evening, I was formally instituted in the minister or Reader. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, there were four “Minor Orders” to which seminarians were ordained on their way to priesthood (Porter, Lector, Exorcist, and Acolyte). Pope Paul VI did away with the idea of these ministries as ordained ministries, but kept the responsibilities of Reader and Acolyte. Instead of being “ordained” to these ministries, seminarians (and potentially other lay people) are now “formally instituted.”

A Reader (Lector in the Latin) performs the liturgical functions that you see normal readers do in a parish (such as the first and second readings) and Acolytes perform most of the functions you see altar servers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion doing. Lay people in the parish who perform these functions have to be commissioned by their pastor for this ministry and serve for a set period of time. Institution is much more formal. As you might could see by the above picture, institution into these ministries is done only by a bishop and makes one permanently a Lector or Acolyte.

Here at Mundelein we normally invite a bishop from one of the dioceses represented to come and celebrate this liturgy. Tonight, Bishop Frederick Campbell from the Diocese of Columbus presided. The picture above (I know it’s small; I’m looking for a better one) shows me kneeling before Bishop Campbell as he institutes me to be a Lector. You can’t see it, but we’re both holding the Lectionary between us as he says the words of institution:

“Take this book of holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.”

One of the special things about these formally instituted ministries of Lector and Acolyte is that they imply much more than just what function you perform at Mass. It’s more about a way of life and who you are to become. As a Lector, I have to promise that I will study sacred Scripture and help teach others. My proclaiming the readings at Mass must always be an extension of how I proclaim the Scripture each day with my life. I was instituted into the ministry of Acolyte last year and I think about those words each day. The bishop said to me as he handed me a chalice and patten:

“Take these vessels with bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist. Make your life worthy of your service at the table of the Lord and of his Church.”

While canon law requires that seminarians receive these ministries before being ordained to the Deaconate, they have special personal meaning to me. My prayer and indeed my life is very liturgical. My relationship with God and the service of his people flow from the liturgy and lead me back to it. One of my favorite moments tonight was hearing the Rector, in the name of the Church, formally call my name. I stood and responded “Present.” I pray in thanksgiving to God for having called me to serve him in this way. I pray that I may continue to hear his call and truly live my life in a manner worthy of this calling.

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luv2bcatholic February 8, 2006 - 10:34 pm

Wow. That’s so awesome. Congratulations. Mutual prayers always! God bless.

GordonBOPS February 9, 2006 - 7:12 am

Wow – great post!

Anonymous February 9, 2006 - 8:31 am

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
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<TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>Wonderful, I was missing your posts. God Bless.
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Anonymous February 9, 2006 - 12:25 pm

Sorry for messing up the previous post, I forgot to turn off the hotbar on my toolbar, and thats what causes all those codes to appear.  Anyway, I appreciate your informative posts.  God bless.

Anonymous February 9, 2006 - 1:44 pm

Yay. Congratulations Shawn! I was definitely praying for you up there on the choir loft yesterday.  If only I had my camera…darn!  I remember when I was instituted as Acolyte almost a month ago now, and how powerful of an experience it was for me.  I am happy to have been there to witness you as you entered into the role as Lector.  Alleluia! (I wish I had Hebrew characters…darn it!)

Anonymous February 10, 2006 - 11:41 pm

That was so neato.
Can’t wait to see you Sunday (and Gerard).  I am so happy to know you.
Peace and God Bless. Lauren

stephto February 16, 2006 - 9:16 pm

Congrats!  Another step closer to the priesthood…our archdiocese sure is blessed to have you & all the other guys in the seminary!  (I’m from Most Pure Heart in Topeka!)  Lots of prayers for you on your journey! 


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