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My New Home

by Shawn P. Tunink

My New Home

With much thanks to God I am now safely home in Kansas and have begun my pastoral internship at Cure of Ars parish in Leawood. The way Mundelein Seminary has structured our formation, we spend the spring of our second year of theology working in a parish in our home diocese. I was lucky enough to be assigned to Cure of Ars parish with Msgr. McGlinn and Fr. Kent O’Connor. I have just finished my first week here and I think that this parish is just wonderful. I know I’m going to like it here.

So far, I’ve been busy getting to know names and learning where everything is at. This has meant that obviously my blog has suffered (small tear). Actually, one of the parishioners here at the parish called me to the carpet in the sacristy today for not updating my blog (You know who you are…Bob). Who knew I had such readership?

Anyway, I also haven’t updated lately because I’ve been wondering…”What kind of blog should my blog be?” (sung to the tune of “What Kind of Father Should I Be”). I really don’t think anyone wants to read an online diary of my life, so I was thinking that maybe I could do some kind of Catholic Q&A thing. Perhaps a “Catholic Question of the Week” would be good. I am open to ideas of what you want to see on my little chunk of cyberspace.

If you like the idea of a question of the week (or more often if I can get to it) you can respond to this post or just use the “email me” link to your left whenever you come up with a question. So, there it is…my updated blog. Thanks for reading. Pray for me as I begin my ministry here and I will pray for you.

Peace and all good,


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mattysmama March 5, 2006 - 12:53 am

Hi Shawn – Welcome “home”.  I kind of like the diary theme, you always make whatever you’re doing sound interesting.  Hope your pastorial internship goes well.  I’ll bet your parents are glad to have you closer to home.  Matty was looking forward to it, he was going to be at Holy Cross in Overland Park and I was looking forward to having him close to home.  Sadly, that just wasn’t meant to be.  Love and Prayers.  Pam

Opbob March 5, 2006 - 12:59 pm

Shawn – clicked on as soon as I returned from the 10:30 Mass.  We are so pleased to have you with us at Curé of Ars.  On piece of advice, watch out for Msgr. Charlie!  Question, why not a diary?  It is so refreshing to read about your journey in following in the footsteps of Christ.  We have so much enjoyed your thoughts about the joys and sorrows you are encountering and their affect upon your seminary life.  Welcome back to Kansas and especially to Curé of Ars.  Bob

streetphotos March 5, 2006 - 4:14 pm

Thats a nice church! very open design. Good luck with the new position!

GordonBOPS March 5, 2006 - 10:43 pm

Great priests at Cure… Best Wishes with your assignment.

Anonymous March 6, 2006 - 10:58 am

I’ve enjoyed your diary, it helps me to understand my own experience as a seminarian and now that you’ve begun your internship it will be great if you could keep us upto date on this new phase of ministry.  Personal experience of what God is doing in our lives serves to uplift and strengthen the faith of others, please continue to share your insight.
God Bless.

Anonymous March 7, 2006 - 3:19 pm

I like reading your diary.  It’s always so interesting and reminds me of the good ‘ol seminary days.  And now, you’re at my old stomping grounds!  Cure’ is a special place.  Say hello to everyone there for me!
Peace and blessings,

Anonymous March 7, 2006 - 7:31 pm

i like it as is. – gerard


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