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Reviving My Basketball Career

by Shawn P. Tunink

Reviving My Basketball Career



I haven’t played much basketball since I gave it up in high school in favor of Scholars’ Bowl. However, my career is showing signs of new life. I played in my first ever Runin’ Revs basketball game the other night. This team is composed of priests (and a few seminarians) who play against the “Serra All-Stars” selected from the various Catholic 8th grades and freshmen around the diocese. It was a lot of fun and all the money raised goes to support vocations. I am happy to report that the Runin’ Revs prevailed in this hard-fought contest. We have one more game coming up on Monday, May 1st at Hayden High School in Topeka.

In other news, things are going great here at Curé of Ars. I got to do some preaching this last week for some penance services and I gave a talk on Holy Week and the Triduum to the RCIA. I love preaching and teaching. I have also been helping out a lot with the youth group. They youth minister here is awesome (and I know she reads my blog each day so I had to say that). I love having the school here too. It’s definitely a great thing that Mundelein lets us do our internship while school is still going on. The kids are so great. The 8th graders put on a musical for rest of the school today.

Anyway, things are going great here. I’m staying very busy with everything that is going on at the parish. I think it’s going to be rather hard to go back to seminary in the fall. But, for now I’ll just enjoy myself. Easter is almost here and the greatest week of the year is just around the corner. Until next time…

Peace and all good,


Here I am being introduced. I’m pretty fast, so that’s why I look like a blur running down the row of my teammates.


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rmromero April 4, 2006 - 5:37 pm

Dude, I can’t believe you’ve been back in KC for a month and I’ve yet to see you.
Don’t be afraid of Emily–she’s easy to take down.
…but don’t tell her I said that.
Lookin’ good, by the way.  Pax Christ, Richard.

Anonymous April 6, 2006 - 4:44 am

Keep up the good work Shawn!

stephto April 6, 2006 - 11:31 pm

Awesome!  Too bad I won’t be in Topeka to see the game in May!  Peace & prayers!

waashew April 7, 2006 - 12:03 am

C# for programmers eh?  I didn’t know you were a programmer too!  It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Revs play.  If the Topeka game wasn’t on a school night, I’d have to go see you.


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