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A Day of Remembrance

by Shawn P. Tunink

Matty and Jared

I wish I had something profound to write today, but there’s just not a whole lot that I feel like writing. It was kind of a somber day at the seminary as we remembered the events of a year ago. Yet, I do have to say that all of the graces of this past year have made it easier to have a real sense of hope and peace. There is still a big hole here as we see all the places that Matty and Jared should be, but I have personally experienced the incredible touch of God’s love throughout this difficult time as well as the very real intercession and continuing friendship of Matty and Jared.

As I look back today, I can’t help but thank God for all the many wonderful new friends that I have gotten to know over this past year. Matty and Jared have continued to do from heaven what they were so good at on earth: bringing people together around Christ’s love. It made me happy to hear of the people back in Kansas having parties in honor of Matty and Jared. I would have really loved to be there. In some ways it’s harder being here at the seminary. I would have much rather been back in KC with so many of you, gathered around friends and family. I was praying for all the family and friends of Matty and Jared and I know that they continue to assist us with their prayers.

Some people have asked what we were doing here at the seminary to mark the anniversary. To be honest, we kind of kept it low key. I’m not really sure why. There seemed to be a desire to not try to relive all the emotion of a year ago and I guess that makes sense. Almost half of the community is brand new and never knew Matty and Jared. Those of us that did had a rosary at our grotto to Mary and many of us visited the crash site. The trees and ground have begun to heal over this past year, but there’s still plenty of glass lying about as if the wreck had happened just yesterday. Of course we also offered our community Mass for them and this was our primary remembrance for the day. I guess I’d say that a lot of the day was spent remembering the experiences of a year ago.

I don’t really know what else to say. I wanted to put something up here because I know people were coming and expecting to find something about Matty and Jared. Last year we were all consoling one another with the sure hope that God always brings good, even out of a tragedy. A year later, I can say for myself that this has been abundantly true. I’ve heard the stories of countless others who have also experienced incredible graces. This is what most shapes my memories now. There is still a feeling of the absence of two people who should be here, but then there is the overwhelming knowledge that they really are still with us and pray for us. I pray that they will continue to help me to be a good priest, to bring many souls to Jesus through Mary. We love you and we miss you Matty and Jared. Pray for us.

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Anonymous September 16, 2006 - 5:52 pm

This is so beautiful.  I miss Matty a lot, but I’m sure he’ll always be praying for you, Jared as well.  Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone.  You are constantly in my prayers to continue your priesthood with love and graciousness.  God Bless and Mary, ever Virgin, keep you under her protection.
an unworthy sister in Christ, erica catherine marie

Anonymous September 17, 2006 - 5:34 am

Thank you so much for This.  I know you’re from KC., home.  Know that you are prayed for as well.  May I please thank you so much for the mention of Jared, it seems no one realizes he existed and that has been very troublesome to my heart over these last couple of days.  Matty Molnar is the only one ever mentioned and I have tried my hardest to make it known that there was another seminarian, much to no avail.  Thank you so much.  You have answered some very teary prayers.
May The Lord Bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord uncover His face to you and bring you to peace

Lori Martin.
Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish
Overland Park, Kansas

sportybear13 September 17, 2006 - 12:50 pm

thanks for putting this up, i was actually thinking about them today, but coudln’t member the day that it happend. thanks again.

luv2bcatholic September 22, 2006 - 9:58 pm

If I could please ask for prayers for the intentions on my site. Thanks ever so much.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
btw – this was a very beautiful post. May Matty and Jared rest in the eternal embrace of our Lord amid the joy of the angels and saints forever and ever.


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