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Has the Real Tomb of Jesus Been Found?

by Shawn P. Tunink

I’ve received a number of inquiries lately asking my opinion about the recent documentary on the Discovery Channel in which director James Cameron claims that there is probable cause to believe that the “real” tomb of Jesus has been found, complete with the bones of Jesus. This might surprise you, but I actually think that this documentary illustrates some very important truths, but first, just in case some are not aware of the facts, here is a brief summary:

Cameron’s Claims:

  • The “real” tomb of Jesus has been found.
  • It was long hidden, but a new archeological discovery has located the tomb.
  • It is almost certainly the tomb of Jesus because the names on the bone boxes found inside bear such names as Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Matthew and Judah among others.
  • The presence of the bones proves that Jesus was not resurrected and that Mary was not assumed into heaven.
  • Further, the presence of a bone box belonging to yet another Mary implies that this is Mary Magdalene and that she was married to Jesus.
  • The box labeled Judah belongs to the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
  • Regardless of whether or not you find this “evidence” compelling, there is at least enough doubt thrown on the traditional Christian beliefs that any responsible person should at least ask “what if” this story was true.

The Facts:

  • This tomb does in fact date to the first century but is hardly a recent discovery. It was found in 1980.
  • Archeologists recognized it as just another 1st century tomb and nothing has come of it for almost 30 years.
  • The names are the most common names around at the time of Jesus. Finding a tomb with these names is no different than going to a cemetery today and finding that there is a Smith, a Jones, and a Johnson.
  • Not surprisingly then, there are a number of other 1st century tombs in Jerusalem that have been found that contain exactly the same names.
  • Archeologists are not even sure that the name Jesus really appears on one of the boxes.
  • All scientists agree that Cameron’s claims are ridiculous and have no basis in fact.

Now, what about Cameron’s last claim that we all need to go around asking “what if?” Even though this is clearly not the tomb of Jesus, is there any harm in asking “what if” it was? This is the part where I think the documentary can illustrate some important truths. Unfortunately, the key truth it tends to illustrate is how little many Christians really appreciate the importance of the resurrection or understand how all of the teachings of our faith are interwoven and depend on one another. Let’s ask “what if” for a second. “What if” this was the tomb of Jesus? The following conclusions would then follow:

  • Jesus did not die for us and was not raised from the dead.
  • Jesus was really a big liar who faked his death so he could marry Mary Magdalene in secret and live the rest of his life selfishly in isolation.
  • Jesus did not conquer death and neither will we.
  • No one is saved and no one goes to heaven.
  • The apostles were all big liars who faked the resurrection of Jesus, sold this story to the ends of the earth, and then died for nothing.
  • The Church continues to deceive the world.
  • The entire Christian faith is a big sham.
  • God has abandoned his people.
  • There is no hope for any of us.

Sometimes it’s interesting to ask “what if.” What if there are aliens on other planets? What if birds are really dinosaurs? It can be fun and exciting to think about these questions. However, in the case of our faith it is a very very serious matter. St. Paul summarized the definitive answer to all “what if” questions about the resurrection. “If Christ has not been raised then your faith is in vain.” There can be no Christianity without the resurrection. We cannot reduce the God-man Jesus Christ to merely an inspired philosopher who taught a new way to think about the world. This idea is not just partly Christian, it is anti-Christian.

But what about anti-Christianity in the United States? This documentary cannot be called anything but anti-Christian. It is certainly not science as all the scientists who worked on this, many of whom were Jewish, agree that Cameron’s claims are ridiculous. So why is it then that he would put out what should be a very embarrassing and career limiting piece of work? The most immediate answer seems to be money. Perhaps James Cameron didn’t really realize how anti-Christian his documentary was. Probably he is just ignorant and saw it as an easy way to make a buck. This may be true enough, but before we go placing all the blame for this on Cameron, I think we need to take a good look at ourselves as Christians.

It seems to me to be rather strange that making an anti-Christian TV show in the middle of a vastly Christian country can be described as “an easy way to make a buck.” How can this be? You don’t find people making TV shows about Muhammad claiming Islam is a big deception, even in countries where there are hardly any Muslims. Look what happened when just a few simple cartoons appeared. Muslims simply will not stand to see God mocked in any way anywhere. We have the entire Anti-Defamation League to ensure that nothing even possibly anti-Jewish goes unpunished. Why then does it seem to be open season on Christians? I’m not saying we should react with violence the way the Muslims did to the cartoons, but the fact is that Christians are regularly the target of prejudice that we wouldn’t tolerate for any other religion or group and yet nothing is done about it. Who is to blame for this?

Since we live in a capitalistic country it shouldn’t be considered too out of line for someone to design a TV show in order to make money. I don’t think we can be crying “Shame on Cameron” for this when he is merely making a product that sells to a profitable market. “Shame on us,” rather, that we as Christians are so easily played to as a market for anti-Christian “entertainment.” Think of this. Let’s say a pastor announces on Sunday that there is going to be an exciting talk about Jesus given at the church later that night at 7:00. You are guaranteed that, not only will every word be true, but it will be a great aid in growing in holiness and achieving your salvation. How many people would go? Now, James Cameron gets on his pulpit and offers a talk about Jesus, none of which is true, and all of which is insulting to our faith and potentially harmful to your salvation and tons of people tune in to “learn” about this exciting new discovery. The Church tells us that this is not the tomb of Jesus and the idea is insulting to our faith. Science tells us that this is not the tomb of Jesus and the idea is insulting to science. Yet, James Cameron, a showbiz expert from Hollywood out to make money, tells us this is the tomb of Jesus and we ask “what if?” We are spiritually sick!

After the crucifixion, the apostles were all hiding in fear, afraid to talk to anyone. Then they encountered the risen Lord and their lives were forever changed. They would later all go to their death defending the truth of the resurrection so that you and I could share in this good news 2000 years later. What an insult we heap on Christ and all of our Christian brothers and sisters that died for the faith when we so casually engage in the “what if’s” of James Cameron and call it “entertainment.” Our faith is a delicate treasure that we can’t just play around with or one day we will find that it is gone.

It is no coincidence that a show such as this comes out during Lent at the very time when we as Christians are preparing to celebrate the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Perhaps you’ve given something up for Lent. This traditional practice is good in that we learn to purge ourselves of the things that are harmful to our relationship with God and thus prepare to receive him in an even deeper way at Easter. Lent is about purification of desires so that our one desire above all others is to grow in union with God and live according to his plan. The mere fact that James Cameron is able to market such a show to us indicates that our desires are not properly ordered. We value “new” and “novel” falsities more than the age old truths that have been handed on.

Last year everyone was all excited about the Da Vinci Code that claimed that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, they had a daughter named Sarah, and they moved to France. Now we hear that Jesus and Mary really had a son whose name was Judah and they lived in Jerusalem. What will it be next year? Maybe they will have twins and move to Egypt! We’ve got to purify ourselves of this desire for constant novelty. God does have something new he wants to give us. He wants each of us to come to experience the truth of the resurrection in a new and deeper way this Easter. He wants to build a new and stronger relationship with you. He wants catechumens to become a new creation through the sacrament of Baptism. He wants all of us to arrive at the end of Lent transformed into new people through the celebration of the Easter mysteries. I’ve seen the “real” tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Neither the body of Jesus nor anyone else is there. The tomb is empty! By sharing in the sufferings of Jesus this Lent I pray that everyone may come to experience anew this Easter the truth of the empty tomb and the power of the resurrection.

The “Real” and EMPTY Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem

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lady_evenstar05 March 14, 2007 - 4:09 pm

glad your back home. prayers for you and your fellow semmies!!!

GordonBOPS March 21, 2007 - 11:24 pm

Very very nice! God Bless!

GordonBOPS April 11, 2007 - 12:03 am

Hope you are having a Happy Easter!


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