This weekend and last weekend, bishops throughout the country have written letters to the faithful that were read at Mass in response the recent attack on religious liberty by our government, aimed particularly at the Catholic Church. My homily this weekend begins with Archbishop Naumann’s letter and continues with my own reflections. Archbishop’s letter can be found at the website of the Archdiocese, http://www.archkck.org/document.doc?id=1130.
My homily follows at the 4:30 mark of the recording:
Fr. Shawn,
great job! Gee, were you once a Young Catholic Scholar?…should’ve been!
God bless you and thanks for your courage!
Fr. Shawn –
Can you make your homily available in written form for those of us who have extreme difficulty hearing podcasts?
Thank you. God bless you.
Kim Wetzel-Williams
St. Patrick’s – KCKS
I don’t actually have a written version. I do have some software that should be able to convert the audio. However, I’m on retreat until next Monday. I’ll work on it when I get back. Thanks for the feedback.
Great Homily. Keep preaching the truth. May we pray the eyes of all Catholics and society are opened.
hot dang! Great job Fr. Shawn!
Fr. Shawn,
This is my favorite homily you have given and it has given me the courage to stand up for my faith and defend it from those who attack it. Keep up the good work.
Fr. Shawn,
Amazing preaching. Thank you. We will keep you in our prayers.
Fr. Shawn, this is an excellent sermon. It precisely pinpoints where we are with the federal government violating our religious liberty and our liberty in general. I am also glad of your encouragement to Catholics to work to understand where we are with the moral law and how important it is to learn Church teachings that can lead us to spiritual freedom.
I have heard that flak was received regarding this homily. I am not a parishioner at Cure, but I wanted to extend my utmost praise and thanks for your courage in preaching the Truth. This needs to be said now more than ever. Our Church needs to take a good hard look at the way that we have been living our faith, and change any part of our lives that is not measuring up to what we claim we believe. It’s hard work, but let’s help our Church become as vibrant as we can be. Let’s band together and fight this attack on our freedom! Thank you, Fr. Shawn!
[…] http://www.shawnthebaptist.org/2012/02/homily-192-religious-liberty-and-justice-for-all/ […]