Home Things the Supreme Court Got Right

Things the Supreme Court Got Right

by Shawn P. Tunink

Pro-Life at Supreme CourtMost people who care about the lives of unborn babies and their mothers recognize today’s decision by the Supreme Court as a setback. It was. It is just the latest in a long string of bad decisions all based on the lie that some people are not people and others have the right to kill them when they are deemed inconvenient. Despite the depravity that led to such a decision, in a strange sort of way, there are some things you could say that the court technically got right.

Buildings where abortions are performed are not medical facilities. Any pro-life person could have told you this. When former abortion facilities are acquired by pro-life groups, the buildings are shown to more closely resemble an animal slaughterhouse than anything related to a medical facility. But today the Supreme Court agreed with the pro-lifers. Texas is not allowed to regulate buildings where abortions are performed as if they were actual medical facilities.

Abortion is not a medical procedure. Texas tried to regulate abortion as a type of surgery. The Supreme Court said, “no.” Having a mole removed is surgery, but having knives and a vacuum cleaner shoved into your womb to rip the limbs off a baby is not. It cannot be regulated as surgery. And they’re right. Abortion is not surgery; it is assault. Likening it to any medical procedure is an insult to real medical professionals. Any pro-life person could have told you that, but today the Supreme Court agreed. Abortion cannot be regulated like an actual medical procedure.

People who perform abortions are not doctors. While people who perform abortions have some knowledge of anatomy, useful for making sure all the body parts are accounted for after the “procedure,” they use this knowledge in the same way any serial killer would use anatomical knowledge to know the best way to kill his victims. Clearly abortionists are not doctors, and today the Supreme Court agreed. Texas is not allowed to require abortionists to meet the same standards that real doctors would have to meet.

More conclusions could be drawn, but at least these three things stick out as the logical conclusion of what the court said today. Perhaps the saddest thing we learned was that a large number of women remain so deceived that they actually cheered for this decision. Imagine an airline company going to court over and over fighting for the right not to have to follow safety standards that all the other airlines follow. They complain that if they had to spend all that money to make their planes safe that it would hurt their profits. Then imagine parents cheering as they gleefully fight for the right to send their young children on these doomed airplanes. This is what the abortion industry is doing and this is what we are doing to scared, pressured, teenage girls every day. Sending them into an abortion mill is putting them on an airplane that you know will crash, killing the baby on board, at least wounding the mother for life…and cheering for it. Demonic.

Although today’s decision is of course wrong on the whole, there is something right about it. No one would expect Auschwitz to meet the standards of a surgical facility, nor the guards to have proper licensing as doctors. Most don’t like to talk about it, but people know what goes on in places like Auschwitz, and certain laws just have to be overlooked because places like Auschwitz are “necessary.” In our day, we have decided that places for the committing of abortion are likewise necessary. In light of that, it does actually seem kind of silly to think we would try to regulate what goes on there, as if it were actual medical care. People don’t get sent to Auschwitz for medical care and that’s not why they go to abortion facilities. The goal of both places is death.

Today the Supreme Court gave us some clarity about what abortion is not. The buildings where abortion is committed cannot be regulated as medical facilities. The procedure itself cannot be regulated as a medical procedure. Those who commit abortions are not to be regulated like real doctors. Maybe by admitting all the things that abortion is not, people might finally begin to realize what abortion is. Maybe all the wrong in this decision could actually help us realize what is right.


Sean Moore June 28, 2016 - 7:46 am

Spot on Father. You are amazing. Thank you.

Charlotte Berndt June 28, 2016 - 9:49 am

Fr. Shawn,
Sure wish the media would explain it like this. Excellent!

Kathy Sexton June 28, 2016 - 4:22 pm

I agree with you and Charlotte.
Those who vote and support candidates should really understand what it means to end a life.

Wendy richardson June 28, 2016 - 5:00 pm

So if it isn’t a medical procedure, why is my tax dollar paying for it under health care?

Terri June 29, 2016 - 11:01 am

Great analysis from a perspective I have never even thought about. How true that thinking this way may finally break through the illogical belief system that abortion proponents cling to…

Terry Sexton July 2, 2016 - 12:14 pm

Your analysis is excellent. While this decision is unquestionably a defeat for the pro-life movement, the defeat is only temporary. The truth about abortion has been dragged into the light, and the abortion industry can no longer hide behind their favorite euphemism: “reproductive health care.” This house of cards that is the Supreme Court’s abortion jurisprudence will collapse, just like Plessy v. Ferguson and Dred Scott v. Sandford.


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