Tonight we read the stories of how God has orchestrated this elaborate plan of salvation. Beginning with the creation of the world and the great covenants of the Old Testament, we see God’s providence at work. But these are not just stories. The same power that was at work from beginning is at work now. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in all of us today. The message of the resurrection is the most powerful story ever told, and it’s all real. Tonight we gather in the dark of Easter night because we want to be in touch with that power. We symbolize this power in fire, and water. Most especially, we see the power of the resurrection tangibly present in those who tonight choose to be Catholic and receive the Easter sacraments. They are a powerful witness. May the new light of Easter put all of us in touch once again with the power at the source of our faith, something much greater than mere stories, the truth of Jesus come back from the dead.
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