If Jesus returned today, are you ready? If there are some things that you would change, well, maybe just go ahead and make those changes. In today’s gospel, people come to John the Baptist asking what they need to do to be ready for the Messiah. The answer might surprise you. John doesn’t ask the people to do anything crazy. He just tells them to do what they are supposed to be doing and do it a little better.
So what are we supposed to be doing? Now that’s a harder question. That’s one of the most important things we can pray about. The readings today give us what should be good news, “The Lord is near!” What reaction does this news cause in you? If it’s not “Joy to the World,” then maybe there are some changes you’d like to make this Advent.
No one knows when the world will end or even when our lives will end. But one thing remains true, the Lord is near.