Homily 483 | 2nd Sunday of Lent | Year B
Life is filled with ups and downs. But whether you’re on the mountain or down in the valley, remember that it won’t always be that way. When we’re depressed and “down,” it’s easy to think that every day is the worst day of your life and it’s always gone to be this way forever. It won’t. Likewise, when we’re on top of the mountain and everything seems wonderful, it’s easy to want it to be this way forever. It won’t… at least not in this life.
The vision of Jesus transfigured on Mt. Tabor was so amazing for Peter that he literally wants to set up camp… “Let’s make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” If you want to be on a high forever, good… that means you desire heaven. But while on earth, we need to be mindful when we have those moments of clarity that we should store them up. It won’t always be that way. Remember the surety you have when things are clear. You’ll need to remember it when you’re down in the next valley.
Most of life is lived not on top and not down in the dumps. We’re going along in between, flat, like Kansas. The longer we live and the more ups and downs we experience, the more we grow in wisdom. We can be thankful for the highs and not get too dejected in the lows. And we can go happily through the ups and downs of life with our eyes fixed on that ultimate mountain of God in heaven where we will finally be able to set up camp and stay.