Homily 535 | 1st Sunday of Lent | Year C
Like Jesus, I’m headed into the wilderness for Lent. I’m going to test my backpacking skills with a 70 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail next week. There are lessons to be learned in the wilderness.
1 comment
As a backpacker of sorts (and a Lutheran going into Lent :-)…), I really enjoyed finding this via my WordPress reader thanks to my following of the “backpacking” hashtag. I especially related to the discussion and analogy about how you relinquish some control whenever you go out there in the wilderness, but as you say, just like in regular life and the Christian walk that’s why and where the real magic may happen. My teenage son and I go on multi-day backpacking trips a fair bit (as well as day hikes, Boy Scout Troop trips, and good-ol’ drive-up camping trips) near our home in south central Pennsylvania, and we have definitely experienced the miracle – or at least the novelty – of the unexpected on many occasions. Anyhow, I will look forward to any follow-ups that you have. Thank you for sharing this.