Homily 541 | Good Friday
The chants sung during the veneration of the cross today remind us how bad things really are and why we can call this day good.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/bRSiXHEgnjA
The Reproaches
1 and 2 My people, what have I done to you? Or how have I grieved you? Answer me! 1 Because I led you out of the land of Egypt, you have prepared a Cross for your Savior. 1 Hagios o Theos, 2 Holy is God, 1 Hagios Ischyros, 2 Holy and Mighty, 1 Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. 2 Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. 1 and 2 Because I led you out through the desert forty years and fed you with manna and brought you into a land of plenty, you have prepared a Cross for your Savior. 1 Hagios o Theos, 2 Holy is God, 1 Hagios Ischyros, 2 Holy and Mighty, 1 Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. 2 Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us. 1 and 2 What more should I have done for you and have not done? Indeed, I planted you as my most beautiful chosen vine and you have turned very bitter for me, for in my thirst you gave me vinegar to drink and with a lance you pierced your Savior’s side. 1 Hagios o Theos, 2 Holy is God, 1 Hagios Ischyros, 2 Holy and Mighty, 1 Hagios Athanatos, eleison himas. 2 Holy and Immortal One, have mercy on us.
Cantors: I scourged Egypt for your sake with its firstborn sons, and you scourged me and handed me over. 1 and 2 repeat: My people, what have I done to you? Or how have I grieved you? Answer me! Cantors: I led you out from Egypt as Pharoah lay sunk in the Red Sea, and you handed me over to the chief priests. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I opened up the sea before you, and you opened my side with a lance. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I went before you in a pillar of cloud, and you led me into Pilate’s palace. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I fed you with manna in the desert, and on me you rained blows and lashes. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I gave you saving water from the rock to drink, and for drink you gave me gall and vinegar. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I struck down for you the kings of the Canaanites, and you struck my head with a reed. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I put in your hand a royal scepter, and you put on my head a crown of thorns. 1 and 2 repeat: My people … Cantors: I exalted you with great power, and you hung me on the scaffold of the Cross. 1 and 2 repeat: My people …
All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. Sweet the timber, sweet the iron, Sweet the burden that they bear! Cantors: Sing, my tongue, in exultation Of our banner and device! Make a solemn proclamation Of a triumph and its price: How the Savior of creation Conquered by his sacrifice! All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. Cantors: For, when Adam first offended, Eating that forbidden fruit, Not all hopes of glory ended With the serpent at the root: Broken nature would be mended By a second tree and shoot. All: Sweet the timber, sweet the iron, Sweet the burden that they bear! Cantors: Thus the tempter was outwitted By a wisdom deeper still: Remedy and ailment fitted, Means to cure and means to kill; That the world might be acquitted, Christ would do his Father’s will. All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. Cantors: So the Father, out of pity For our self-inflicted doom, Sent him from the heavenly city When the holy time had come: He, the Son and the Almighty, Took our flesh in Mary’s womb. All: Sweet the timber, sweet the iron, Sweet the burden that they bear! Cantors: Hear a tiny baby crying, Founder of the seas and strands; See his virgin Mother tying Cloth around his feet and hands; Find him in a manger lying Tightly wrapped in swaddling-bands! All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. Cantors: So he came, the long-expected, Not in glory, not to reign; Only born to be rejected, Choosing hunger, toil and pain, Till the scaffold was erected And the Paschal Lamb was slain. All: Sweet the timber, sweet the iron, Sweet the burden that they bear! Cantors: No disgrace was too abhorrent: Nailed and mocked and parched he died; Blood and water, double warrant, Issue from his wounded side, Washing in a mighty torrent Earth and stars and oceantide. All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. Cantors: Lofty timber, smooth your roughness, Flex your boughs for blossoming; Let your fibers lose their toughness, Gently let your tendrils cling; Lay aside your native gruffness, Clasp the body of your King! All: Sweet the timber, sweet the iron, Sweet the burden that they bear! Cantors: Noblest tree of all created, Richly jeweled and embossed: Post by Lamb’s blood consecrated; Spar that saves the tempest-tossed; Scaffold-beam which, elevated, Carries what the world has cost! All: Faithful Cross the Saints rely on, Noble tree beyond compare! Never was there such a scion, Never leaf or flower so rare. The following conclusion is never to be omitted: All: Wisdom, power, and adoration To the blessed Trinity For redemption and salvation Through the Paschal Mystery, Now, in every generation, And for all eternity. Amen.