Jesus taught with authority. Is your life subject to that authority, the authority of truth, or are you your own authority?
The Holy Spirit, God, dwells within you and that makes you a temple. But sometimes temples need cleaning, like in today’s gospel.
If we want God to “renew the face of the earth,” we might expect this act of re-creation to look similar to the original …
I went backpacking for the first time in 13 years this week. Stories from the woods and more on the Holy Spirit, this week …
Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost. Yes, Pentecost really is that big of a deal.
What better way to celebrate 13 years of priesthood than to wake up in the woods surrounded by God’s creation.
The forests of Philmont Scout Ranch are beautiful and precious. Historic suppression of fires means that today’s scouts surprisingly spend their conservation hours cutting …
Peter denied three times that he even knew Jesus. After the resurrection, Jesus not only forgives him, but still chooses him to be Pope.
St. Bernardine of Siena preached devotion to the holy name of Jesus and created some confusion about Jesus’ monogram.
Baptism, Confirmation, Pentecost… It’s all about the Spirit, but it can also be confusing. Fr. Shawn explains and answers your questions tonight on Shawn …