Uplift Organization brings food, clothing, and compassion to the homeless in Kansas City. It also brought me a great awareness of my own need.
Would you invite Jesus to a party with your friends? Would he come? You should, and he would.
When the bridegroom is taken away, there is fasting… when present, feasting. So which situation are we in?
The prophet Joel begins today’s readings urging, “Even now” return to God. I love those two words together.
Monty Python is the featured theologian for this week’s homily. The Black Knight has an important lesson in dealing with sin.
The name Eve means mother of all the living. But only the new Eve really lives up to the name.
I realized the other day that I don’t trust God. And then wondered why this surprised me.
Jesus healed lots of people. But he didn’t heal everyone. Why not?
What are the key things you use to order you life? Start with your day.
Have you ever stayed up all night? St. Scholastica and St. Benedict did. Guess what they were talking about…