When we think of Lent, we normally think of giving things up and fasting. While these are an important part of Lent, they are …
This year, Valentine’s Day happens to coincide with Ash Wednesday and beginning of the penitential season of Lent. For most Catholics, this meant transferring …
At the time of Jesus, leprosy carried a two-fold stigma. First, it was a terribly painful and debilitating disease which left the person suffering …
Today’s homily was given to the archdiocesan candidates for the diaconate at the conclusion of their weekend of formation. In the second reading, St. …
In today’s gospel, Jesus gets up to teach in the synagogue and we are told that the people were “astonished” at what they heard. …
This video could be a homily. I love how everything starts out ordered and initially has a sort of understandable pattern. But there …
The word “vocation” comes the Latin word vocare, meaning “to call.” A vocation is a calling. When we hear the word vocation in the Church, …
Peace be with you! Or, as we would say in Latin, Pax vobiscum! Pax is the Latin word for peace. On this Solemnity of …
Thank you all for the prayers and cards over the past month following my surgery. I am blessed to be able to report that …
On Tuesday, November 21st, I will undergo surgery to remove a tumor on the pituitary gland in my head. I first became aware of …