San Giovanni Rotondo used to be a small town in the middle of nowhere, but today it is one of the largest pilgrimage sites …
Buon giorno! We arrived safely in Roma this morning and met up with our local tour guides. We then headed out for our first …
In history, pilgrimages have often been imposed as a penance to atone for sin. Despite all our modern conveniences, leaving home and traveling to …
It’s natural to place a high value on things that cost us a lot to obtain. Often times the things of most value are …
The readings today describe the Holy Spirit appearing as fire and wind. These are powerful elements. They are meant to symbolize the power that …
Every year when I go to file my taxes as a proud resident of the state of Kansas I am asked at the end …
In today’s first reading, St. Peter boldly tells the Jewish leaders that there is no salvation possible except through Jesus. This is a truth …
Jesus is risen! In today’s gospel we see the risen Jesus enter a room where the doors were locked and bring a message of …
It always seems to me that the Palm Sunday liturgy moves so quickly. At the entrance we’re acclaiming Jesus as king and yelling Hosanna, …
Today’s celebration of the 5th Sunday of Lent comes directly between two great solemnities that fall during the Lenten season. On Thursday we celebrated …