St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that one way to know God is to start with creation. All creation comes from God and leads back to …
St. Paul went from persecuting Christians to becoming the most outstanding preacher of Jesus. But was this really a conversion?
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Our country was founded on these ideals. Are we living up to them?
St. Sebastian is the patron of athletes. He competed and won in the greatest game there is. His famous death reminds us to put …
Every day we begin with light overcoming darkness. The Church uses this image in two powerful ways in today’s hymn for Lauds.
God is writing an amazing story and you have been chosen. You get to play a part.
When faced with difficulty, we need to do three things: pray, do whatever we can for ourselves, and then trust that God has got …
When you’re called to be set apart and chosen, the worst mistake you could make would be to want to be like everyone else. …
In the baptism of Jesus we learn who Jesus is. In our own baptism we also learn who we are. Like Jesus, we also …
On this feast of Epiphany, we recognize how God reveals himself directly as in the Bible, but also indirectly, through reason and creation as …