No nativity scene would be complete without Mary and Joseph. We conclude these 40 hours with the two who were most prepared to receive …
When Jesus came the first time, many missed it. The shepherds and magi didn’t, and they can help us make sure we don’t miss …
Four times each year the Church calls to mind the gifts of the earth and asks us to give thanks. Thanks to God and …
Why is there always an ox and a donkey in every Christmas nativity? Isaiah has the answer and a warning for Catholics.
It’s not enough to say that you are Christian. It’s not even enough to believe the right things. You have to actually do it.
Gaudete is a command to rejoice. But to understand why we should rejoice, we need to understand another Latin word.
The Hebrew Bible ends with a prophecy that Elijah will return to herald the coming Messiah. Jews often leave an empty chair for him …
When Mary appeared to St. Juan Diego at Guadalupe in 1531 she called him “Juanito… Little John.” God did some really big things with …
The coming of Jesus was prepared for since the moment Adam and Eve were banished from the garden. Part of that preparation was preparing …
St. Ambrose is known for his outstanding teaching of the Catholic faith. His preaching also inspired the greatest convert in Church history, St. Augustine.